================================================== Business Process Execution Language for Web Services

Ontologie : Urbanity

élément : Name_Class

rdf:ID : Business_Process_Execution_Language_for_Web_Services

rdfs:label : Business Process Execution Language for Web Services

Business Process Execution Language (or BPEL, pronounced 'bipple', 'bepple' or 'bee-pell'), is a business process modeling language that is executable. The origins of BPEL can be traced to WSFL and XLANG. It is serialized in XML and aims to enable programming in the large. The concepts of programming in the large and programming in the small distinguish between two aspects of writing the type of long-running asynchronous processes that one typically sees in business processes.

image/svg+xml Conception : Henry Boccon-Gibod Name c Langage d'expression de processus c a pour acronyme P BPEL4WS voir le document P Documents sur BPEL voir aussi S Business Process Execution Language for People Business Process Execution Language rdf:type P Langage d'expression de processus est décrit(e) par P Documents sur BPEL Business Process Execution Language for Web Services