================================================== Center of Excellence in Enterprise Architecture

Ontologie : Urbanity

élément : Name_Class

rdf:ID : Center_of_Excellence_in_Enterprise_Architecture

rdfs:label : Center of Excellence in Enterprise Architecture

The CEISAR deliver white papers and executive training on best practices in enterprise and IS architecture based on real life examples from our sponsors and partners.

Ceisar believe in :

* simple terms, to develop the essence of the subject and avoid unnecessary complexity for the business leader

* a common glossary of terms, for all key stakeholders to speak the same language and understand each other

* fact based publications and training, to build on current best practices as they occur in international corporations today

image/svg+xml Conception : Henry Boccon-Gibod Name c Consortium c voir le document P Cours sur la méthode PRAXEME a pour acronyme P CEISAR developpe P méthodologie CEISAR rdf:type P Consortium Center of Excellence in Enterprise Architecture