================================================== HyTime

Ontologie : Urbanity

élément : ExpressionLanguage_Class

rdf:ID : HyTime

rdfs:label : HyTime

HyTime (Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language) is a markup language that is an application of SGML. HyTime defines a set of hypertext-oriented element types that, in effect, supplement SGML and allow SGML document authors to build hypertext and multimedia presentations in a standardized way.

HyTime is an international standard published by the ISO and IEC. The first edition was published in 1992, and the second edition was published in 1997.

image/svg+xml Conception : Henry Boccon-Gibod Langage d'expression d'informations c Name c source Wikipedia D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyTime URL de ressource sur le Web D http://www.hytime.org/ voir aussi S SGML Cours XML-1-01 Page 5 - Hytime, SMDL applications de SGML pour la musique rdf:type P Name HyTime