================================================== Semantic Service Oriented Architectures

Ontologie : Urbanity

élément : IT_concept_Class

rdf:ID : Semantic_Service_Oriented_Architectures

rdfs:label : Semantic Service Oriented Architectures

with the emergence of Semantic Web technologies, in particular Semantic Web Services (SWSs), new breeds of SOAs are being developed, namely Semantic Service Oriented Architectures (SSOAs). SSOAs use semantic technologies to advance solutions to problems by which SOAs are limited. They provide a means for further automation for service consumers’ tasks, particularly service discovery, selection, composition and execution, as well as easing general interoperability issues between services.

image/svg+xml Conception : Henry Boccon-Gibod IT concept c English Term c a pour acronyme P SSOA rdf:type P English Term Semantic Service Oriented Architectures