================================================== WS-Security

Ontologie : Urbanity

élément : Name_Class

rdf:ID : WS-Security

rdfs:label : WS-Security

This specification also provides a general-purpose mechanism for associating security tokens with message content. No specific type of security token is required, the specification is designed to be extensible (i.e.. support multiple security token formats). For example, a client might provide one format for proof of identity and provide another format for proof that they have a particular business certification.

image/svg+xml Conception : Henry Boccon-Gibod Name c Standard c source Wikipedia D http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/WS-Security URL de ressource sur le Web D http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/16790/wss-v1.1-spec-os-SOAPMessageSecurity.pdf voir le document P Documents sur WS-Security voir aussi S eXtensible Access Control Markup Language List of Web service specifications Security assertion markup language Web Service WS-Policy SAML rdf:type P Standard est recommandé par P Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards a pour acronyme P WSS WS-Security